The following is a letter from Ken Tabish, a high school counselor at Albuquerque High School (NM) written after jane spent all day speaking with kids there. Around 1500 students were reached the day she spoke as well as many teachers and counselors.

March 19, 2001


From a Counselor @ Albquerque High School:

I am writing this letter on behalf of Jane Davis and the work she does with and through HOPE-HOWSE.


Recently, I had the opportunity to meet and hear Jane speak to a group of high school students at Albuquerque High School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I am a counselor at the school and coordinate a Peer Mediation Program and direct a Peer Counseling and Peer Education Program. The Program is the AHS P.A.U.S.E. Project (Peer Advocates Understanding Student Experiences). The students in the program had an opportunity to hear Jane speak that day.


I was very moved, as I know the students were, at what Jane had to say. She truly spoke from the heart about the work she does. Jane is compassionate about her work and the people with whom she works. It is obvious, that she has the capacity to find the good in others who least likely appear to have any value as a human being. Her ability to be accepting of others unconditionally and non-judgmentally was conveyed by her in talking about her experiences to the students. This ideal quality is something we continually try to convey to our peer counselors in the AHS P.A.U.S.E. Project. Jane is a shining example of this and lives it in her everyday life.


Jane has conveyed an interest in returning to Albuquerque High School to continue working with the students. This is something we hope to pursue in the near future. Jane has a great deal to offer to youth and we at Albuquerque High School hope to take advantage of her willingness and desire to do so.




Kenneth R. Tabish, MA, LPC AHS Counselor Albuquerque High School 800 Odelia Rd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87102

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